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han bai中文是什么意思

用"han bai"造句"han bai"怎么读"han bai" in a sentence


  • 柏寒
  • 韩柏


  • Outside the fung ming hall is a white statue of a flock of goats carved out of han bai yu ( white stone )
  • For example , the technical problem of the hubei e ' huang bridge 6 # podium ' s in construction , the foundation of jing - sha bridge 2 # main tower , wen - zhou bridge main tower , wu - han bai sha - zhou bridge 3 # main tower , and qi - ao bridge main tower , etc . in overseas , the main trend of is very clear
    例如湖北鄂黄大桥6 #墩施工系列技术问题的处理,以及荆沙大桥2 #主塔、温州大桥主塔、武汉白沙洲大桥3 #主塔、淇澳大桥主塔等基础施工。
用"han bai"造句  
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